26 January: Buchpräsentation mit Schweizer Autorin Simone Müller
General News – Tuesday, December 19th, 2017Die Schweizer Kirche in London, die Swiss Benevolent Society und der Schweizer Botschafter, Alexandre Fasel, laden ein:
Buchpräsentation mit Autorin Simone Müller “Alljährlich im Frühjahr schwärmen unsere jungen Mädchen nach England”
Wann: Freitag, 26. Januar, 13-15 Uhr
Wo: Schweizer...
Coming up in 2018!
General News – Tuesday, December 19th, 2017There are a number of exciting projects coming up in 2018, and you are invited! Click on the link below to find out more.
24-26 April: Community trip to Exeter
Discover the capital of Devon and meet old and new friends! You are invited to join the cultural programme, and there will also be...
Boxing Day: Breakfast on the Steps
General News – Tuesday, December 19th, 2017You are all invited for breakfast on Boxing Day at 9am, prepared by Josh and David!
There will be no Breakfast on the Steps on 2 January. The first breakfast in the New Year will be on 9 January. We wish you all a merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you soon!
17 December, 5pm: Christmas Carol Service – SOLD OUT!
General News – Monday, December 11th, 2017We are sorry to inform you that the Carol service has sold out. Eventbrite ticket holder will have priority access. However, there might be some no-shows if you want to try your luck!
Dieci Voices will once again delight us with their presence at the Christmas Carol Service! Expect...
11 December: Sit in Silence is cancelled!
The weeks before Christmas are a hectic time and many of us long for a moment of peace and quiet away from all the hustle and bustle.
We invite you to escape the busy streets of...
Check out our various Christmas events!
General News – Friday, November 24th, 2017Christmas is just around the corner and we are getting ready to celebrate this special time of the year with you. Whether you are looking for some peace and quiet in this hectic time or an afternoon of Swiss traditions with your children, or if you are a lover of traditional Christmas carols,...
10 December, 2-6pm: A Christmas afternoon for families
General News – Thursday, November 23rd, 2017An afternoon for all generations full of surprises!
2-5:30pm: Children can craft their own Christmas presents, hear the Christmas story (in English, French and Swiss-German), sing hymns in Swiss and British tradition and carve their own Räbeliecht (turnip lantern)
4pm: Samichlaus (Father...
26 November, 5pm: Commemorative service
General News – Monday, November 20th, 2017In this service, we will light candles for those who have passed away in the past year and beyond. The service will be accompanied by a vocal soloist and organist Peter Yardley-Jones and led by Reverend Carla Maurer, followed by refreshments.
The names of those you would like to remember can be...
24 November, 9-12pm: Voice Images, curated by Kirsty White
General News – Friday, November 17th, 2017VOICE IMAGES is a new choral composition that responds to the unique architecture and acoustics of the Swiss Church in London. Devised for an ensemble of six singers, it incorporates three distinct compositions or ‘voice-images’; sonic representations of delirium. During the performance...
Swiss Church News winter edition – now available!
General News – Monday, October 23rd, 2017The latest edition of the Swiss Church News is out! You can download it here. Find all upcoming events on the events sheet.
10-16 November: HomeLos in Zurich
General News – Sunday, October 22nd, 2017In December 2015, former rough sleeper Andy Palfreyman hold his first photography exhibition Cardboard&Caviar at the Swiss Church showing the doorways and places where he slept. Read more
We decided to bring Andy’s exhibition to Zurich. From 10-16 November 2017 the Offene Kirche St....
17 November, 6pm: Architecture Invisible Screening
General News – Sunday, October 22nd, 2017Please join us for a screening of artists’ video curated by Annelore Schneider (collectif_fact) and Katie Goodwin. Each video explores a specific location, often an overlooked cultural or social site, to find the sense of a place. The architecture becomes a living reality evolving far from...
Saturday, 28 October, 6pm: Youth Choir from Zurich-Enge
General News – Saturday, October 14th, 2017We are delighted to welcome the youth choir from Zurich-Enge to the Swiss Church, led by Ulrich and Barbara Meldau. A group of young people from Zurich will travel to the UK to perform a series of concerts.
They will present a varied programme with works by Burkhard, Archer, Delibes, Film Music...
Wednesday, 11 October, 10am: Coffee morning for young families
General News – Monday, October 9th, 2017
Parents and their children are invited to an informal get together with coffee and tea and toys from 10am. The confirmation class from the parish church of Sempach in Switzerland together with the Swiss Church Mother’s Group will meanwhile prepare a short prayer meeting and cook lunch for...
28/29 September: Exhibition Biblioclasm by Edwin Pickstone
General News – Monday, September 18th, 2017Biblioclasm is a large-scale site-specifc print installation by Glasgow-based typographer Edwin Pickstone. Immersing the main hall of the Swiss Church in thousands of prints, it highlights the contribution that print has, and has had, on movements of social, theological, and political...
1 October, 11am: Sunday service with guest preacher Rev Catherine McMillan
General News – Monday, September 18th, 2017Rev Catherine McMillan is the Minister of the Reformed Church in Duebendorf, Switzerland. Rev McMillan is one of the Ambassadors of the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches for the reformation year. She is also known from Swiss television where she she regularly speaks the ‘Wort am...
Friday, 6 October, 7pm: Annual Mosimann’s Fundraising Dinner
General News – Monday, September 18th, 2017
Enjoy a meal by one of the greatest chefs… and support the Swiss Church!
Globally renowned food business Mosimann’s, founded by Swiss chef Anton Mosimann, will host a fundraising dinner at the Swiss Church London on 6 October 2017, 7pm.
You will be served a three-course meal and a welcome...
Saturday, 9 September, 5pm: Organ recital Lukas Hasler
General News – Sunday, September 3rd, 2017Lukas Hasler, born in 1996, studies organ at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Austria. Additionally, he studies cultural management at the University of Hamburg. The 20-year-old organist, harpsichordist, composer and choir conductor has attended master classes with Ton...
Wednesday, 13 September, 11:30am: Lunch for young families
General News – Tuesday, August 15th, 2017Liebe Schweizer Eltern und Freunde
Dear Swiss parents and friends
Seit vielen Jahren trifft sich die Müttergruppe einmal im Monat zum Zusammensein in der Schweizer Kirche in Covent Garden. Mittlerweile sind die meisten von uns Grossmütter und sogar Urgrossmütter.
Wir würden gerne etwas...
20 August, 10 Uhr: Pfrn Carla Maurer predigt im Fraumünster, Zürich
General News – Monday, August 14th, 2017Am 20. August um 11 Uhr ist Pfarrerin Carla Maurer zu Gast im Fraumünster und wird zusammen mit Pfarrer Niklaus Peter den Gottesdienst gestalten. Alle sind herzlich eingeladen!
Anschliessend findet ein Kirchenkaffee statt mit einem kurzen Bericht über die Schweizer Kirchgemeinde in...
Swiss Church News autumn edition
General News – Thursday, July 20th, 2017The latest edition of the Swiss Church News is out!
The focus of this issue is loneliness, a topic that affects us all at some stage in our life. Read interviews and articles from people who are affected by loneliness. You will also find words farewell from our departing President Johannes...
1 August, 4-9pm: Celebrate Swiss National Day!
General News – Monday, July 17th, 2017Celebrate Swiss National Day at the Swiss Church!
Swiss Food, family activities and singing of the National Anthem.
4-6pm: Cake, tea and family fun
6-9pm: Traditional Swiss food and drinks, catered by Mosimann’s
Click here to donwload the flyer and share it with your friends: Swiss National...
New organ recital programme 2017/18!
General News – Monday, June 26th, 2017Director of Music Peter Yardley-Jones has once again put together an exciting international programme of organ recitals that will showcase our amazing Swiss-built Späth organ. We will host recitals from organists from around the world as well as domestic musicians.
All recitals are free, with...
17 July, 7-9pm: Evening course “I (don’t) believe in God, but…”
General News – Wednesday, May 17th, 2017On the third evening of the five part course we will discover the struggles of the Israelites during the Babylonian Exile and read some of the heartbreaking and poetic Psalms of the people far away from their home.
Renate Rothwell awill open the evening with a mindfulness meditation, followed...
Saturday, 1 July, 5pm: Organ Recital Daniel Glaus (Berner Münster)
General News – Wednesday, May 17th, 2017Daniel Glaus is an internationally acclaimed church musician and has composed numerous works.
Since 2007 he is the Director of Music and organist at the Minster in Berne. He teaches at the University of Arts in Zurich and in Berne.
Daniel is currently in London with a Landis&Gyr scholarship...
Saturday, 3 June, 5pm: Organ recital with Andrew Forbes
General News – Tuesday, May 16th, 2017Andrew Forbes is a young British organist, harpsichordist and conductor. Andrew performs throughout Europe as a soloist and accompanist, for services, recitals and concerts.
Andrew is the Director of Music at Glasgow Cathedral, and winner of the 2014 Northern Ireland International Organ...
7 May, 3pm: Bach Cantata at the Dutch Church
General News – Wednesday, April 19th, 2017As part of the ‘Still Reforming – Reformation on London’s Doorsteps’ programme, the Dutch Church invites us to a musical afternoon on 7 May at 3pm.
“A Cantata by J.S. Bach on period instruments”
Johann Sebastian Bach was one of the greatest composers of the Reformation period. A cantata by him...
4 May, 8pm: Film ‘Langholm Stories’
General News – Wednesday, April 19th, 2017
Langholm Stories by Jamie Telford. A film about people and places.
An affectionate portrait of a tight knit community. A local’s view of the Scottish Border ‘Muckle Toon’ of Langholm and its people, who are bound together by the main event of the year, the Common Riding.
Entrance £5. Cash...
22 April, 5pm: Organ recital with Thomas Ospital
General News – Tuesday, April 11th, 2017Born in 1990, Thomas Ospital began his musical studies at the Conservatoire Maurice Ravel in Bayonne, France. From 2008 until 2015, he was a student at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris. The conservatoire awarded him first-place prices in organ, improvisation, harmony,...
16 April, 11am: Easter service with group from Rapperswil-Jona
General News – Monday, April 10th, 2017Celebrate with us the joy of Easter when we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There will be communion.
Rev Cyril Schmitt-Martinez and Celina Braendle from the Reformed Church in Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, together with a group of young people will participate in the service. They...
Things to do in WC2
General News – Sunday, April 2nd, 2017Welcome to buzzing WC2!
We are working closely with charities and churches in the Holborn and Covent Garden area to contribute to a lively community and bring people together. Whether you would like to try chair yoga or attend Royal Opera House lunchtime recitals, help gardening or shake your...
9 April, 11am: Deutschsprachiger Gottesdienst mit Konfirmationsklasse
General News – Friday, March 31st, 2017Wir feiern einen deutschsprachigen Gottesdienst am Palmsonntag, zusammen mit der Konfirmationsklasse der Friedenskirche in Bern und Pfarrer Christian Walti. Die Konfirmanden und Konfirmandinnen werden den Gottesdienst grösstenteils selber gestalten und einige werden auch getauft. Alle sind...
Reformation 500, 7 April, 7pm: German Christ Church
General News – Thursday, March 30th, 2017The German Christ Church is home to one of several German Protestant congregations in London.
We are invited on Friday, 7 April at 7pm to learn more about the German congregations in London at the event: “Things we really care about: Tracing the German Protestant heritage”
For more information...
3-17 March, 7-10pm: Exhibition ‘Hierophanies’
General News – Friday, March 10th, 2017Curator Marian Stindt is the winner of the Swiss Church MFA Curating competition 2017, in collaboration with Goldsmiths college. Her proposal ‘Hierophanies’ by artist Patrick Hough impressed the Art Committee with its reflection of iconoclasm. During the reformation five-hundred years ago, a...
30 March, 7:30pm: Frank Martin’s mass for double choir
General News – Friday, March 10th, 2017The Brandenburg Choral Festival of London exists as a platform for amateur choirs to perform in Central London venues.
It is London’s biggest and broadest celebration of all things choral!
On Tuesday, 30 March, 7:30pm, Vivamus, a London-based chamber choir, is going to sing Frank Martin’s Mass...
Reformation 500, 11 March, 1-6pm: “Leave Christians a free choice”
General News – Tuesday, February 7th, 2017
Royal Opera House lunchtime recitals
General News – Tuesday, February 7th, 2017We are delighted to host the Royal Opera House Jette Parker Young Artists Programme at the Swiss Church. The programme is designed to support the artistic development of talented singers at the beginning of their career.
Hear the Young Artists in an intimate setting with the programme of...
Reformation 500, 12 February, 2pm: A Quaker Meeting
General News – Monday, February 6th, 2017The Protestant reformation in Britain continued after the establishment of the Church of England. By the mid-1600s there were several groups of radical dissenters and one of them, the Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, is alive and well in Forest Hill as are many other Meetings...
“Reformation on London’s Doorsteps” is mentioned in The Times. Read it here!
General News – Wednesday, February 1st, 2017The ecumenical project ‘Reformation on London’s Doorsteps’, initiated by the Swiss Church, was recently mentioned in The Times in an article by Ian Bradley from St Andrews. You can read the article here.
To learn more about the project ‘Reformation on London’s doorsteps’ click
Reformation 500 in January: Exhibition “Baptism, a radical act”
General News – Friday, January 6th, 2017The year 2017 marks 500 years since, according to the legend, an Augustinian friar named Martin Luther nailed to the door of a German church 95 Theses that challenged the malpractices of sections of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
Throughout the year, twelve parishes across London will welcome...
9 February, 7pm: Fondue night
General News – Thursday, January 5th, 2017Join us on this fundraising event for melted Swiss cheese with bread, white wine, a pub quiz and goody bags and help us to raise funds for our work with the homeless, families and the elderly.
Tickets are £35 / £25 concession.
Bookings taken via Lili in the office: 020 7836 1418 or...
Saturday, 14 January, 5pm: Organ Recital with Jonathan Hope
General News – Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017Jonathan Hope is quickly gaining a reputation at home and abroad as one of the most dynamic young organists of his generation. Educated at George Abbot School in his hometown of Guildford, he studied initially with Stephen Lacey, John Belcher and David Sanger, and then at the Royal College of...