
General News – Monday, October 27th, 2014

I preached on harvest a couple of weeks ago and here is what I said…

As a Londoner I don’t really know much about Harvest.

So apparently what they do, them farmers in the country, they go around collecting all the plants in the field, and apparently this is a big job that involves things...

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Broken Open

General News – Thursday, October 9th, 2014

We had a great day yesterday at church, a group of teenagers from Switzerland who are doing a confirmation class together came and prepared a service and a meal for our Mothers Group (these days ‘grandmothers group’ is probably a more accurate name).

It was beautiful to witness the...

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full of flavour

General News – Friday, September 19th, 2014

So we are thinking about salt and saltiness this week.

Salt and Light

Matthew 5, Jesus says ‘You are the salt of the earth’

I had to work out what this really means, so i did a bit of research. Salt was very precious, in the middle ages it was known as White Gold and up to the 20th century it...

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All broken, all beautiful

General News – Thursday, July 31st, 2014

Homelessness is a part of our story here at the Swiss Church. This connection is partly because of our locality, we are on the border between the two boroughs (Camden and Westminster) who together host 40% of all rough sleepers in London, and partly because of who we are, a church. As a church...

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Easter Vigil at the Swiss Church

General News – Monday, April 14th, 2014

Easter Vigil Logo


Basically, it’s going to be great!

Running over Saturday night and into Sunday. A time and space where people are invited to connect with the Easter story, the Passion, in many different ways. It will be a sensory experience that you will not forget.

Don’t let the practicalities get in the...

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Baptised in a Punch Bowl…

General News – Thursday, April 10th, 2014

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I hope this is not seen as a profanity or a endorsement for superfluous drinking in church…  The reality was that we had someone who needed baptising but a bowl or font or anything to do it from.

The local Baptist church have a full immersion pool, the Anglican church a font attached to...

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Thinking out loud… Community in Covent Garden

General News – Thursday, April 3rd, 2014


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The many different communities in Covent Garden present both a joy and challenge for me as a community worker. There are housing estates, so we have local people, there are countless shops with both casual and full time staff that gives the area a transient and changing feel from one day...

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Ezra: taking a stroll accross the Middle East

General News – Thursday, October 31st, 2013

In the book of Ezra we read how the exiled Israelite s traveled back to Jerusalem from Babylon, which is modern-day Baghdad.

This journey was over 700 miles and took them over 4 months to complete.

They started off near Baghdad not too far from the current border with Iran and would have...

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