SWISS CHURCH NEWS – the latest edition (scroll down for archive)
Sunday 6 November 2022 Reformation Day Service
Order of Service
Order of service_06112022.docx
1 May 2022 – Saint Peter: the flawless church founder?
Audio service, 20 March 2022 – Does the Bible justify violence?
In her sermon, Reverend Carla Maurer will talk about the glorification of violence in modern and biblical song texts, and explore the question whether the Bible justifies violence. We will hear about the King David, the King of Judah and Israel, and according to the Bible author of many of the Psalms. War in Europe brings closer to home how fragile peace is. To hold on to the path of love and hope is now more important than ever.
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), prayers and sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, reading by Colin McIntyre. Production Julian Simmons, with the support of Cecile Mistry and Fernande Kunz.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Sunday service at the Swiss Church, 20 January 2022, – On Swiss lakes and the impatience of Jesus
Please click on the link below to download the service script.
Audio service, 9 January 2022 – God’s contrasting nature
Do you make new year’s resolution? Or have you given up on them knowing that more often than not they are a recipe for failure? At the beginning of a new year, we are full of hope, but it also dawns on us that the time to fulfil our dreams and mend broken relationships becomes less. God’s reality is different. What new year’s resolutions help to reconnect with God’s contrasting nature? Rev Carla Maurer tells you which small actions she will try to do more often, without aiming too high.
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), prayers and sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, reading by Colin McIntyre. Production Julian Simmons.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Audio service, 28 November 2021 (First of Advent) – The waves of grief and joy
Only one week lies between ‘Ewigkeitssonntag’ (Eternity Sunday’) and the First of Advent, one week to transition from remembering what we have lost to the joyful anticipation of Christ’s birth. “Let us then lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of lights”, the Bible says. If only it was that easy! Grief is not a linear process. Rather, the different stages of grief come and go in waves throughout life, and so do the waves of joy.
Sermon audio service_28 Nov 2021
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), prayers and sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, reading by Colin McIntyre. Production Julian Simmons.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Baptism service, 7 November 2021 – On the way the promised land
Audio service, 17 October 2021 – One door closes, another door opens
In today’s audio service we are going to think about doors. Sometimes, life seems like a journey of new doors opening at every step of our way; sometimes, life seems like a journey of closed doors. When Paul and the Apostles travelled to Asia and Bithynia, they found closed doors wherever they went, but soon discovered a new door opening. During the pandemic, when our church door was shut, our congregation has journeyed from being an on-site church to being an off-site church. What doors has this opened for us? What does it mean to be an off-site church?
Audio service 17 October 2021_Script
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), prayers and sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, reading by Colin McIntyre. Production Julian Simmons.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Sunday service at the Swiss Church, 3 October 2021 – Truth and false prophets
You can download the script here to read at home:
Audio service, 19 September 2021 – The purpose of death (A reflection on human mortality)
Carla often gets asked how she comes up with topics for her sermons. This time, she was inspired by the newsletter of the German-Lutheran Church in London where the Minister wrote about stairs. She found the following words in the Book of Prophet Isaiah: “The sunlight went back on the steps it had gone down.” These words are part of the story of the final days of King Hezekiah and how in his desperation God granted him an extra 15 years to live. So, the sermon became about human mortality.
What is the purpose of death for life? If you knew that tomorrow the world would fall in pieces, what would you do? How would you judge your current priorities, and what would you change? Questions we should all ask ourselves from time to time…
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), prayers and sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, reading by Colin McIntyre. Production Julian Simmons.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Audio service, 18 July 2021 – If someone turns you away, what do you do?
We are Ambassadors of Christ. On one hand this is an encouraging message, but it is also a lot of responsibility. We each bring our own unique talents and personalities to the table. Imagine you have been invited to join the twelve apostles preaching the Good News. You are going from door to door. Some food will open and strangers will let you in, others will turn you away. What do you do?
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), prayers and sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, reading by Colin McIntyre. Production Julian Simmons.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Sunday service, 4 July 2021 11:00 at SWISS CHURCH ENDELL STREET
We will hear about the bible protagonists Jacob, Leah and Rachel; how Jacob wrestles with ‘Somebody’ in the night; and why it is important to go out and get our blessings rather than to wait that they are given to us.
Hymn Sheet
Bible reading: Genesis 32:22-32
Audio communion service, Sunday, 20 June – Toxic leadership
Apostle Paul is often described as the founder of Christianity and his passion for the cause of Christ has contributed enormously to further the Gospel across the globe. However, Paul was also criticised by early Christian communities for his leadership style. What is good leadership? And why did Paul struggle to delegate and share responsibility? These are some the questions we will explore in today’s service. With communion.
Read 2 Corinthians 3:1-6
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), prayers and sermon by Rev Carla Maurer and Niccolo Aliano, reading by Colin McIntyre. Production Julian Simmons.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Sunday, 6 June, 11am
The service will take place at the Swiss Church, 79 Endell Street. The script can be downloaded here for those who cannot attend the service:
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021 of The Swiss Church in London
Trustee Report and Financial Statements for year ended 31 December 2020
Financial Statements 2020- The Swiss church in London
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2020 of The Swiss Church in London
23 May 2021 11.00 am Pentecost Service on Zoom.
The bible reading is taken from the New Testament – Acts, Chapter 2, verses 1-21. Read here in English, French, German, and Italian.
Audio service, 18 April 2021 – Let’s talk about privilege
Conscious and unconscious bias at the workplace, in public life and in our communities, often based on skin color, gender or abilities, are an everyday experience for most people. Things have to change, and we all have to be part of this journey. Often it is only when our privileges are taken away from us that we begin to become aware of them. What do conspiracy theories and youth riots in Switzerland have to do with privilege? Why do we live in a biased world and what can we do to distribute power more equally? Read Genesis 3:1-24
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ) and High Holborn Chamber Choir, prayers and sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, reading and production by Julian Simmons.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Easter Sunday, 4 April 2021 – The empty fridge
Do you know that feeling when you open the fridge, and it stares back at you, empty? Our days during lockdown sometimes feel just like staring at an empty fridge. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias. They didn’t catch any fish that night. “You have no fish, have you?”, Jesus asked. “No”, the disciples answered. “Cast the net to the right side”, Jesus said. Small changes can make a big difference, and suddenly life is a feast and we even have a guest. Read John 21:1-14
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, prayers by Marianne Hertig-Fisher, Geoff Fisher and Niccolo Aliano, reading by Colin McIntyre; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer.
We are delighted to present to you a zoom recording of the hymn This Joyful Eastertide, performed our residential choir High Holborn Chamber Choir.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Holy Week – Daily reflections
There will be a short morning reflection every day from Palm Sunday, 28 March to Easter Saturday, 3 April with music, prayers and readings. Prayers and readings by Niccolo Alliano and Rev Carla Maurer. Music and production Julian Simmons.
Palm Sunday, 28 March (Zachariah, Chapter 9)
Monday, 29 March (Book of Lamentations, Chapter 1)
Tuesday, 30 March (Book of Isaiah, Chapter 62)
Wednesday, 31 March (Psalm 102)
Maundy Thursday, 1 April (Gospel of John, Chapter 13)
Good Friday, 2 April (Gospel of John, Chapter 19)
Easter Saturday, 3 April (Book of Job, Chapter 19)
Audio Service, 21 March 2021 – A modern-day version of burnt offerings
The sermon will be based on Isaiah 43:15-26. God feels abandoned by the people. Rather than bringing burnt offerings, they burden God with their sins. Burnt offerings are a thing of the past in our part of the world, but what can we bring God instead of burnt offerings? What is the purpose of this custom? We will reflect the concepts of submission and sacrifice in the light of Easter.
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ) and Julian Simmons, sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, prayers by Marianne Hertig-Fisher and Niccolo Aliano, reading by Colin McIntyre; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Audio Communion Service, 7 March 2021 – Be dressed and keep your light burning!
The Swiss Church audio services are back!
Jesus told his disciples to be dressed and ready for service, and to keep the light burning to be ready for his return. We find ourselves in a time of waiting: waiting to return to some of our old routines, waiting to see and hug our friends and families. What lesson can we learn from the Bible about waiting? You can find the reading Luke 12:35-40 here.
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ) and Julian Simmons, sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, prayers by Marianne Hertig-Fisher and Niccolo Aliano, reading by Colin McIntyre; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer.
PLEASE NOTE: In the second half of the service you will be invited to joining in with the sharing of communion. If you wish you can prepare your communion table in your home ahead of the service with a glass of wine or juice, and a piece of bread or a cracker.
Hymn and Prayer Sheet_7 March 2021
We appreciate your donations. You can find the payments options here.
We will resume audio services shortly. In the meantime we are joining in with online services from churches around the world.
Sunday, 7 February, 9am: Church of England, weekly online service – live stream, followed by SCL zoom meeting at 9:45am (contact Carla for details)
Sunday, 21 February, 11am: Organ Recital with Peter Yardley-Jones – live stream, followed by SCL zoom meeting at 11:45am (contact Carla for details)
Director of Music Peter Yardley-Jones and Reverend Carla Maurer have been working hard with videographer Jon Kensington and the Fortis Voices choir to bring your favourite carols to you all online. The Swiss Church London congregation were invited to choose their favourite carols via the WhatsApp group. You will be able to hear all your favourite carols – in English, French and German.
Congregation members and friends have sent in video messages from Paris, London and the Valais… and Ambassador Alexandre Fasel speaks from the Swiss Embassy in London.
Enjoy! We wish you all a blessed Christmas and a very happy new year.
You can also watch the carol service directly on YouTube here:
Audio Service 22 November 2020 – A Commemoration Service in four elements
We remember our loved ones in this contemplative service with thoughts and music based on the four elements water, air, fire and earth. You are invited to light a candle at home. Keep in your prayers those who mourn and let them know that they are in your thoughts! The service will be followed by a zoom coffee gathering at 11:30am. Please contact Carla for the login details.
Music by Vicky Matthews (cello) and Peter Yardley- Jones (organ). Thoughts and prayers by Reverend Scotty Williams, St. Gallen (water), Reverend Priscilla Schwendimann, Zurich (air), Theologian Katrin Frey, London (fire), Reverend Carla Maurer, London (earth); produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer. Concept: Julian Simmons
Commemoration service 22 Nov 2020_Script
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Audio Service 1 November 2020 – “What happens on tour stays on tour”
What will people think of me? A question we all ask ourselves from time to time. On one hand we want to please others, on the other hand we want to be free from judgement. On this reformation Sunday we explore what Protestant Christianity has to say about this dilemma and how we can forgo it.
Light a candle and pray for someone who needs your good thoughts. Take a photo of a candle and send it to the person that you are keeping in your prayers.
Sermon by Reverend Carla Maurer. Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ). Opening prayer by Reverend Meret Engel (Protestant Church in Switzerland). Readings by Reverend Stephane Desmarais (French Protestant Church in London0 and Colin McIntyre (Church of Scotland). Prayers of intercession by Andy Palfreyman (Agnostic), Reverend Bertjan de Langemaat (Dutch Church in London), Reverend Bernd Rapp (German-Lutheran Church in London) and Marianne Fisher-Hertig (Swiss Church in London); produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Church Service 18 October 2020 – Make faith your own
Today’s service will be held at the Swiss Church at 79 Endell Street. We are delighted to welcome Lucas Kobler who will be baptised.
You can read the words of the service here:
Service 18 October 2020_online
The next audio service will available on 1 November.
Audio Service 4 October 2020 – “Let no one despise your youth”
Today’s audio service will explore the role young people play in the Bible and the impact recent scrutiny, self-isolation and social restrictions have on their health and future.
This service is with communion. If you would like to join in, please have some bread and wine or juice ready.
Sermon by Reverend Carla Maurer. Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ). Prayers by students Niccolo Alliano and Lilian Jost. Readings by Colin McIntyre and Peter Yardley-Jones; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Church Service 20 September 2020 – A Bible Quiz
Today’s service will be held at the Swiss Church at 79 Endell Street for the first time since the beginning of the lockdown. You can read the words of the service here:
The next audio service will available on 4 October.
Audio Service 6 September 2020 – The God jar
No faith journey is without doubts, and doubts are the gateway to a lasting relationship with God. Reverend Carla Maurer will invite you to make your own God jar at home, a collection of fragments of your life, and enter an active dialogue with God. Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, prayers by Niccolo Alliano and Marianne Fisher-Hertig, Gospel reading by Colin McIntyre; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer.
Readings: Psalm 62:1.7-12 and Mark 6:45-56
Audio service 6 September 2020
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Audio Service 19 July 2020 – God’s answer is silence
Reverend Carla Maurer will take you on a journey and share thoughts from her silent retreat at the monastery. Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), sermon and prayers by Rev Carla Maurer, readings by Colin McIntyre; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer. Partly recorded at The Royal Foundation of St Katherine in Limehouse.
Readings: Matthew 28:18-19, John 14:1-7, Isaiah 32:1-8
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Audio Service 5 July 2020 – Mary and Martha
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ) and Julian Simmons, dialogue sermon by Rev Carla Maurer and Rev Gerry Stanton (Union Church), prayers by Marianne Hertig-Fisher and Niccolo Aliano, readings by Colin McIntyre and Rev Carla Maurer; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer.
At the Swiss Church it is tradition to sing hymns in French, German and English. The communion liturgy is also in the three languages.
PLEASE NOTE: In the second half of the service you will be invited to joining in with the sharing of communion. If you wish you can prepare your communion table in your home ahead of the service with a glass of wine or juice, and a piece of bread or a cracker.
Hymn and Prayer Sheet_5 July 2020
You can find the reading Luke 10:38-42 here.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Audio Service 21 June 2020 – Where does the white image of Jesus come from?
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), Carla Maurer (voice) and Julian Simmons, sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, prayer by Marianne Hertig-Fisher, readings by Colin McIntyre and Peter Yardley-Jones; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer.
To learn more about the history of the image of Jesus, click here to watch a short video.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Audio Service 7 June 2020 – Lockdown: A blessing?
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), Jessica Broad (voice) and Julian Simmons, reflections by Rev Carla Maurer and Symeon Kyriakopoulos, prayers by Marianne Hertig-Fisher, readings by Colin McIntyre; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer. With greetings from Barbara Wachter, President of the Consistoire’s Steering Committee.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Audio Service 17 May 2020 – There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes)
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones and Julian Simmons, reflections by Rev Carla Maurer and Lilian Jost, prayers by Marianne and Geoff Hertig-Fisher and Niccolo Aliano, readings by Colin McIntyre; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer. With greetings from members and friends of the Swiss Church in London.
You can find the full text of the Book of Ecclesiastes here.
We appreciate your donations. You can find our payments options here.
Audio service, 3 May 2020 – I am longing to see you!
Music by Peter Yardley- Jones and Julian Simmons, reflections by Rev Carla Maurer and Niccolo Aliano, prayers by Marianne Hertig-Fisher, readings by Geoff Fisher and Colin McIntyre; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer
Easter Sunday 2020
Palm Sunday 2020
Swiss Church News
To view or download copies of our e-newsletter, please visit the Swiss Church News page.
Download the pdf of the latest Swiss Church News edition here:
Swiss Review – UK and Ireland Edition
June 2020 edition SRV_2020-06-GBR
April 2020 edition SRV_2002_GBR
Sermons by Rev Carla Maurer
2019 Sermons
Bible – The Greatest Hits, sermon series:
19 May Tamar, the young widow_Genesis 38
5 May The Good Samaritan_Luke 10_online
7 April David and Goliath_1 Samuel 17
17 March The tower of Babel_Genesis 11
3 March The Feeding of the 5000_Matthew 14
17 February The Crossing of the Red Sea_Exodus 14
3 February The Sermon on the Mount Matthew 4
20 January The Creation of the World, Genesis 1 and 2
2018 Sermons
Paul the Apostle, sermon series:
6 May Paul the Apostle – An ambitious man. His conversion and upbringing
2017 Sermons
12 November,Kilchberg, ZH Sind wir (gut) genug?
17 September Recognise your gifts and use them
2 July “I have not come to bring peace…”
21 May Vadian, Gallus &co.
2 April Christian faith is foolish
19 March Freedom and persecution
5 March Everything has its price!
22 January David defeats Goliath
2016 Sermons
4 December What is Christian about Christmas
16 October So en Habakkuk!
18 September Sermon 18 Sept 2016
17 July Water – Source of all life
19 June The Long Way to Justice
27 March Easter Sermon: A Message of Strength
AGM 2024 Documents
Final accounts-report updated 2023 – FINAL for AGM Y
AGM 2023 documents
AGM Minutes 2022 AGM SCL_Minutes
Final accounts-report updated 2022 Y-BM Amended
AGM – Abbreviated Accounts 2022 v1
AGM 2022 Documents
2021 AGM SCL_Minutes[7722] Amended A
AGM – Abbreviated Accounts 2021
AGM 2020 Documents
AGM 2020 – Trustees Report and Financial Statement 2019
AGM 2019 Documents
AGM 2019 – Trustees Report and Financial Statement 2018
AGM 2018 Documents
AGM 2018 – Trustees Report and Financial Statements 2017
AGM 2017 Documents
AGM 2017 – Trustees Report and Financial Statements 2016
AGM 2017 – Minutes 2016 for approval
AGM 2016 Documents
AGM 2016 – Approved Minutes AGM 2015
AGM 2016 – Trustees Report and Financial Statements 2015
The Times_Reformation article by Ian Bradley_February 2017
Newsletter St.Gallen Tablat_Dezember 2016 (Seite 9-10)
Elections britanniques: édition spéciale de Forum
Floor Plans