Loved in to Life at The Field

General News – Sunday, July 5th, 2015

‘The Field’ has long been an unofficial name for Lee Abbey’s well-loved campsite, so it seemed the obvious choice as title for what will be less of a ‘camp’ and more of a retreat for 18-30s in July/August 2015. The Field’s history is a huge part of its charm for the 35-strong...

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Easter Vigil at the Swiss Church

General News – Monday, April 14th, 2014

Easter Vigil Logo


Basically, it’s going to be great!

Running over Saturday night and into Sunday. A time and space where people are invited to connect with the Easter story, the Passion, in many different ways. It will be a sensory experience that you will not forget.

Don’t let the practicalities get in the...

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