Ezra: taking a stroll accross the Middle East

General News – Friday, October 31st, 2014

In the book of Ezra we read how the exiled Israelite s traveled back to Jerusalem from Babylon, which is modern-day Baghdad.

This journey was over 700 miles and took them over 4 months to complete.

They started off near Baghdad not too far from the current border with Iran and would have...

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Easter Vigil at the Swiss Church

General News – Monday, April 14th, 2014

Easter Vigil Logo


Basically, it’s going to be great!

Running over Saturday night and into Sunday. A time and space where people are invited to connect with the Easter story, the Passion, in many different ways. It will be a sensory experience that you will not forget.

Don’t let the practicalities get in the...

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