Sunday Service. 4 July at 11:00 a.m. Swiss Church London

Arts and Culture – Thursday, July 1st, 2021

Sunday Service on 4 July will be held at 11:00 am in The Swiss Church in London.

Our Minister Reverend Carla Maurer will base her sermon on Genesis , Chapter 32, vv 22-32.

Carla writes : “We will hear about the bible protagonists Jacob, Leah and Rachel; how Jacob wrestles with ‘Somebody’ in the night; and why it is sometimes difficult to understand God’s way in this world”

Click here to read or download The Order of Service, Hymn Sheet and Bible reading.


There will be a retiring collection at the end of the Service. You can also donate securely online here.

We thank you for your generosity.

This morning’s service –

Director of Music and organist Peter Yardley-Jones.  Choir- High Holborn Chamber Choir.

Warden- Andy Palfreyman. Administration- the Swiss Church office team.  We thank you all.

This week’s work of art  is The Vision after the Sermon  (1888) by Paul Gaugin from The National Gallery of Scotland.

Please note that this church service will be held in accordance will the current Covid-19 UK Government regulations and guidelines , and The Swiss Church in London Covid-19 policy.