Sunday 22 November – Annual Commemoration Service- online

Arts and Culture – Friday, November 20th, 2020

On Sunday 22 November we will hold the annual Swiss Church in London Commemoration Service.

It will be an online audio service that will begin at 11:00am. Click here to listen, and to read a transcript of the service.

Commemoration Audio Service and Zoom meeting

The commemoration service is a very important day in the year of the Swiss Church. We remember family members and friends who have passed away in recent years. This year, the service would have been particularly important as many of us were unable to attend funerals.

The audio service will be in a different format and we will read out the names of those who have passed away. There will also be musical guests and Ministers from Switzerland sharing their thoughts and prayers with us.

If you would like a loved one to be remembered in the audio service, please send the name(s) to Carla by Tuesday 17 November via email or text message.

For this particular occasion we will also meet on Zoom on Sunday, 22 November at 11:30am to catch up with our friends. Email or text Carla for the login details.

See you there!