Happy Swiss National Day -1 August 2020

Arts and Culture – Saturday, August 1st, 2020

Happy Swiss National Day to you all.

What a difference twelve months make!

On 1 August 2019 we were busy putting up our special bunting  with all the cantonal flags, preparing food-peeling potatoes, setting up tables, and waiting to open the doors to welcome all of you to celebrate Swiss National Day together.

This 1 August 2020, due to the Covid-19 crisis The Swiss Church in London is empty. There will be no meeting of friends, old and new, no sharing of food and gossip. We won’t be able to hear the speech of Swiss Ambassador Alexandre Fasel, or listen to the Alpine Horn.

However, we will be with you all in spirit, wherever in the world you will be celebrating. As soon as it safe to do so we will return to organising events for all of the Swiss community in London. God willing, we  look forward to seeing you all at the Swiss Family Christmas event to greet Samichlaus, and at the Christmas carol concert.

The Covid-19 temporarily closure of the Swiss Church in London means that we are losing £8,000 of income each month. So your continuing financial support at this time is much appreciated. To donate securely online click here. The link also gives details of how to make a standing order, or bank transfer. We thank you all for your support.