Gondwana Children’s Choir- 16 May 7:00pm – 30th Anniversary Concert

Arts and Culture – Sunday, May 5th, 2019

The Godwana Choir, Australia are super excited to be holding a birthday party concert at the Swiss Church in London to celebrate 30 years of the Sydney children’s Choir and Gondwana Choirs.

They write:

“We hope to bring together our many alumni choristers and friends living in the UK and Europe, for a fabulous night of song and celebration as we celebrate this milestone birthday.

Please join us for a stunning performance by Gondwana Voices and conductor Lyn Williams, as well as solo performances by alumni choristers Lotte Betts-Dean, Oliver Boyd, Lauren Easton and Alex Oomens.

There will also be the opportunity for alumni choristers to join in and sing Voices of Gondwana should they wish. All this singing is to be followed by drinks, canapes, love, laughter and much frivolity as we celebrate 30 years of incredible music making and the inspirational leadership of Lyn Williams!

We hope to see you there”

This is a free event but please click the link here to reserve your free tickets.

Gondwana Choirs comprises the most accomplished choral groups of young people in Australia. The organisation is synonymous with performance excellence and has a reputation for the highest standards of young people’s choral music in Australia and internationally.

When Lyn Williams AM created the Sydney Children’s Choir in 1989, she wanted audiences to experience the unique and captivating sound of a well-trained children’s choir. From this single choir, the organisation now includes over 500 children in the Sydney Children’s Choir program; 350 choristers, composers and conductors in Gondwana National Choral School; and the choral hubs for the Gondwana Indigenous Children’s Choir in Cairns and Sydney.

Sydney Children’s Choir and the two national ensembles, Gondwana Voices and Gondwana Chorale, regularly perform with the country’s leading orchestras and ensembles in the great symphonic works and new music by Australian composers. Gondwana Indigenous Children’s Choir has a proud record of commissioning and performing works in Indigenous languages and count performers such as Kate Miller-Heidke, Christine Anu and Jessica Mauboy among their collaborators. SCC and GICC most recently performed with the world-renowned Vienna Boys Choir in Songs of My Country in Sydney and Cairns in 2017.