Breakfast on the Steps- new start time from 10 May- 7:30 am.

Local News – Monday, May 2nd, 2022

From 10 May, Breakfast on the Steps will start at 7:30 am every Tuesday.

For people affected by homelessness and poverty, and everyone seeking community and sanctuary 

Every Tuesday between 7:30-9:30am. Join us for cold or hot breakfast, to read the newspapers or to get to know new people. Breakfast on the Steps is coordinated and prepared by Andreas Feller and team, with the help of  Robert Kaufeler who comes in to cook hot breakfast once a month.

As well as receiving nourishment, the Swiss Church is a place of calm and serenity that is in stark contrast to many homeless and community outreach day-centres.

If you would like to get involved, contact us on for more information.