24 January 11:00 am- Sunday Morning Service from Edinburgh

Arts and Culture – Monday, January 18th, 2021

On Sunday 24 January there will not be an online audio service from The Swiss Church in London.

Instead we invite you to watch with us the Sunday morning online video service from St Michael’s Kirk in Edinburgh.

Click here to watch the service at 11:00 am. Click here for a script of hymns and order of service

Then join us afterwards from a Zoom meeting for some Swiss Church London friendship, and hospitality.

Contact carlamaurer@swisschurchlondon.org.uk for the Zoom details to join in.

The service will be lead by the Minister of St Michael’s Kirk, Church of Scotland,  Reverend Andrea Price. Andrea is originally from Germany, and has served as a Church of Scotland Minister in Orkney, London and Edinburgh.