More Tea Vicar Podcast – Andy Palfreyman episode. Out now

Sunday Sermons – Sunday, October 18th, 2020

The latest episode of the More Tea Vicar? podcast is out now. Click here to listen.

In this episode  our minister Carla Maurer interviews Andy Palfreyman. Andy was homeless on London’s streets for thirty years. In the last five year he has turned his life around. He is a street photographer, has hosted an alternative fashion show, and is a powerful advocate raising awareness of the realities of homelessness in London and the UK.

Listen to the interview to learn more. The first 5 minutes of the current podcast are in Swiss German, the rest is in English.

More Tea Vicar? is a production- new episodes are released fortnightly on Saturdays. is an initiative of the Reformed Church in Zurich. A wide variety of podcasts examine religious and ethical issues, and modern life from a variety of perspectives. The Swiss Church in London is proud to have been asked to participate, via the “More Tea Vicar? podcasts”.