Sunday 23 May-11am Pentecost Service on Zoom

Arts and Culture – Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

The Swiss Church in London Sunday Service on 23 May at 11.00 am (UK time) will celebrate Pentecost (Whitsun).

The service will be held on Zoom. Please send an email  to: info[at] , for login details to join the Service.

The service will be led by Niccolò Aliano.

The reading from the  New Testament , Acts Chapter 2, vv. 1-21 will be by Colin McIntyre. Click here to read the bible passage in English, French, German or Italian.

Marianne Fisher-Hertig will lead prayers.

After the formal part of the service there will be time for fellowship, friendship and chat.

Our Minister Reverend Carla Maurer returns from leave at the end of May, and we hope to resume services at our beautiful Swiss Church in Endell Street on Sunday 6 June. We will provide further details very shortly.

The Swiss Church In London relies on the support and donations by individual members and friends in the United Kingdom, Switzerland and worldwide. We are especially grateful for your support during Covid to continue our work. Click here to donate online or for further details.

This week’s work of art is by Italian painter Giotto.