Sunday Service – 19 January 2020 at 11:00 a.m.

Arts and Culture – Sunday, December 1st, 2019

You are welcome to our next Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m., on Sunday 19 January.

Our Minister Reverend Carla Maurer, will begin her new sermon series taking a reading from the Lectionary (weekly list of bible readings) of the Protestant Church in Switzerland This Sunday’s reading will be from the Old Testament book of Zephaniah Chapter 2 verse 3 and Chapter 3 verses 9-13.

Click on the links to read the Bible lesson in English and French or in German

In church the sermon and bible reading will be in English. We will sing our hymns in English, French and German. We will be accompanied by the High Holborn Chamber Choir and our Music Director Peter Yardley-Jones will play our beautiful Swiss Späth organ.

Please stay after the service for refreshments or a light lunch. We are an open and friendly congregation. Many of us have come from Switzerland or have Swiss links, others come because we enjoy the services which are ecumenical yet based on an open reformed church theology.

Whether you having been attending our services for a long time, are visiting us from near or far, or are just curious we welcome you to our Sunday Service.

This weeks piece of art is a photograph of an 18th icon of the prophet Zephaniah. (Reproduced under Wikicommons licence for unrestricted use).