6th January Sunday Service- Bible Stories Greatest Hits.

Arts and Culture – Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

The Bible is full of great stories which are part of our cultural heritage and collective knowledge. Who hasn’t heard of Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, the Ten Commandments, David and Goliath, the creation of the world in seven days or Jesus walking on water! Novelists and artists refer to these stories in their works, and they are popular children’s tales too. They fascinate and inspire people around the globe and across cultures and religious affiliations.

Reverend Carla Maurer will explore and re-interpret these famous stories, the ‘greatest hits’ of the Bible, in a sermon series starting in January and running until the summer break.

Join us at 11:00 am on 6th January, for the first Sunday Service of 2019, to hear the first in a series of sermons on famous stories -” greatest hits” from the Bible. We start with the story of the Wise Men’s visit to see the newborn Jesus.

Reverend Carla Maurer returns from Maternity Leave and we sadly say farewell to our sabbatical Minister, Reverend Meret Engel and her husband Daniel Engeli- (organist and Parish Trip leader).

Come along and join us. Our sermons are in English, with hymns in French , English and German.

Join us for Sunday service, which will include Communion ,to which all are invited to participate.   It will be followed by lunch  at 12:15. Our Services are every first and third Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome!

Your input for this sermon series is very welcome! If there is a story that you think should not be missing in this  series, drop Carla an email: carla.maurer@swisschurchlondon.org.uk