Parish Day Trip to Ely 1st November 2018

Arts and Culture – Tuesday, October 16th, 2018

On 1st November 2018, All Saints Day, we shall visit Ely on a parish trip. The trip will be led by Revd Meret Engel and her historian husband Daniel Engeli.
Provisional itinerary.
Meet at King’s Cross Station 09.45am for 10.12 train to Ely.
12.00 noon guided tour of Ely Cathedral, included in price of trip. (usually £6 concessions, £9 full price)
1pm- lunch- we suggest a group lunch at the Almonry. (not included in price)
Afternoon- free time. We suggest a group visit to Cromwell’s House.
Return on 16.47 train from Ely. Arrives King’s Cross at 18.03.

Cost approx £45. (train fare and cathedral guided tour included).

To reserve your place and for further details:-
Contact: Daniel Engeli or mobile 07570 184094