Sunday 6 February at 11:00 -Sunday Service at Swiss Church in London- 79 Endell Street
This Sunday we will be back in The Swiss Church, London holding our Sunday Service.
Please note that our Minister Reverend Carla Maurer will unfortunately not able to attend and lead the service. She is presently isolating having recently tested positive for Omicron Covid-19. We all wish her a speedy recovery.
The service will be led by members of the Swiss Church London congregation. Director of Music Peter Yardley-Jones will be playing our wonderful Späth organ, accompanying the Swiss Church choir members from High Holborn Chamber Choir with hymns and anthems.
The bible reading will be the Old Testament book of
Joshua 4:1-7 following the lectionary of the Evangelisch-reformierte Kirche Schweiz for the last Sunday in Epiphany.