20 March – Swiss Church London Online Audio Service

Arts and Culture – Wednesday, March 16th, 2022

The Sunday Service for 20 March is an online audio service.

Click here to listen now.

Here is the transcript of the service.

Our Minister Reverend Carla Maurer writes:

 Does the Bible justify violence?  

In today’s sermon, we will talk about the glorification of violence in modern and biblical song texts, and explore the question whether the Bible justifies violence. We will hear about the King David, the King of Judah and Israel, and according to the Bible author of many of the Psalms. War in Europe brings closer to home how fragile peace is. To hold on to the path of love and hope is now more important than ever.


 Today’s production team

Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ), prayers and sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, reading by Colin McIntyre. Production Julian Simmons, with the support of Cecile Mistry and Fernande Kunz.


The Swiss Church in London depends on the generosity of members and supporters. You can donate via this link here.

Audio service 19 March 2022