Upcoming Sunday Services & Music

General News, Sunday Sermons – Sunday, November 5th, 2023

Upcoming Sunday Services & Music

Everyone is welcome, no matter your faith tradition (or none), to find a moment of solace and peace in our beautiful building, inspiration through music, word and prayer and to spend time in community. 

We gather for worship every first and third Sunday of the month at 11am. Communion service and choir every first Sunday. Solo or chamber vocals every third Sunday.


Upcoming dates:


7 January, 11am, New Year service, with communion

21 January, 11am, with guest preacher Revd Edward Carter (St Peter Mancroft in Norwich)

4 February, 11am, with communion

18 February, 11am

3 March, 11am, with communion

17 March, 11am

31 March, 11am, Easter service

7 April, 11am, with communion

21 April, 11am

5 May, 11am, with communion

19 May, 11am

2 June, 11am, with communion and sung Mass

16 June, 11am

7 July, 11am, with communion, followed by AGM and farewell drinks for Rev Carla Maurer

21 July, 11am, with confirmation


Email Reverend Carla Maurer carla.maurer@swisschurchlondon.org.uk for further information.

See the Swiss Church Music List 2024.


3 December 2023 | Advent Service:

Nativity Carol Service:

4 February 2024 | Es ist ein Ros entsprungen:


26 February 2024 | Performance by Anna Lea on the cello:


1 March 2024 | Gottes Ziet: