Blue – A Music and Photography Performance- 24 June

Arts and Culture – Wednesday, June 12th, 2019

Monday 24 June at Swiss Church in London. Doors open 7.00pm . Performance begins 7.30pm

“Blue is the typical heavenly colour. The ultimate feeling it creates is one of rest. When it sinks to almost black, it echos grief that is hardly human.”
Wassily Kandinsky

BLUE is a sensorial project born from the meeting between the sincere and introspective sounds of the young pianist-singer Angela Tursi and the intimate conceptual photography of Marina Chichi. The springboard for the two artists in this collaboration is the theory embodied in the 1910 “Concerning the Spiritual in Art” by the Russian painter W. Kandinsky, where he explores the bond between colours and music and the concept of synesthesia.
BLUE was born from the interaction between “Blue Paintings” a collection of musical pieces for piano and voice composed by Angela about the spiritual concept of the blue colour and Marina’s visual intimistic photography through cyanotype, a photographic technique used to create chromatic gradations of blue colour. The concept of the project is based on the union between two sensorial languages, and the exchange between music and photography linked with painting. A confluence coming up from the “inner need” as defined by Kandinsky, the manifestation of human existence to the world by the artist.
The event will start with the concert by Angela, alternating with the recitation of quotes from Kandinsky’s book “Concerning the Spiritual in Art” by the actress Izabela Karamon and it will be followed by a photography exhibition by Marina. In the end, there will be a small buffet for drinks and finger food in sponsorship with Italian food and coffee, Nuvola.

Click here to book tickets.
Doors open at 7:00pm, Start at 7:30pm.
Refreshments will be available in the end of the event.
A few tickets also available on the door.