The Swiss Political System -19 November

Arts and Culture – Sunday, November 11th, 2018

This second history talk focuses on the unique features of the Swiss political system .

Firstly we will take a  short overview of the development of Swiss politics and the gradual creation of the Swiss State from the  Middle Ages to the foundation of the modern nation state in 1848.

Then we will reflect on the unique features of Swiss politics, and in particular the system of direct democracy through popular referendums. We will consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a system.

Last, but not least, we will make some comparisons with the British political system, and consider what each country could learn from the other to strengthen the democratic system and increase participation in the important issues facing each country.

When: Monday, 19 November 2018, 6.30 to 8 p.m.
Where: Swiss Church, 79 Endell Street, London WC2H 9DY
For more information: Telephone Daniel Engeli at the Swiss Church in London: 0207 836 1418