Zwingli’s Reformation in Zurich

Arts and Culture – Monday, October 15th, 2018


Monday, 29th of October, 6.30 to 8 pm.
Looking ahead to the coming anniversary year of 2019, we will try to find to find some answers to the key questions about Zwingli’s Reformation in Switzerland. For instance: Which factors were decisive in enabling the Reformation in Zürich? What distinguishes Zwingli’s theology and strategy from the ones of his predecessor Luther and his successor Calvin? What links existed during the Reformation between England and the Swiss Confederation? After a short presentation, we will look at illustrative text and pictures, discuss Zwingli’s legacy, and then have supper together – sausages of course, though there will be a vegetarian alternative.

For more info: contact Daniel Engeli: 020 7836 1418