7 March 2021- Online audio Communion Service

Arts and Culture – Friday, March 5th, 2021

Be Dressed and keep your light burning!


The Swiss Church in London online audio services are back! Click here to listen

Jesus told his disciples to be dressed and ready for service, and to keep the light burning to be ready for his return. We find ourselves in a time of waiting: waiting to return to some of our old routines, waiting to see and hug our friends and families. What lesson can we learn from the Bible about waiting? You can find the reading Luke 12:35-40 here.

Music by Peter Yardley- Jones (organ) and Julian Simmons, sermon by Rev Carla Maurer, prayers by Marianne Hertig-Fisher and Niccolo Aliano, reading by Colin McIntyre; produced by Julian Simmons and Carla Maurer.

PLEASE NOTE: In the second half of the service you will be invited to joining in with the sharing of communion. If you wish you can prepare your communion table in your home ahead of the service with a glass of wine or juice, and a piece of bread or a cracker.