9th December -Swiss Family Christmas

Arts and Culture – Monday, November 26th, 2018


An afternoon for all generations full of surprises!

2-5:30pm: Children can craft their own Christmas presents, hear the Christmas story (in English, French and Swiss-German), sing hymns in Swiss and British tradition and carve their own Räbeliecht (turnip lantern)

4pm: Samichlaus (Father Christmas) and will make a visit. He might even have little presents for the younger ones among the visitors and listen to their Sprüchli. Please sign up with josh.kelly@swisschurchlondon.org.uk by 30 November. (Parents: send Josh a little list about the nice and the naughty things your child has done and that the Samichlaus should know about!)

5:30pmRäbeliechtliumzug (turnip parade) through Covent Garden

Hot drinks and snacks will be provided.

The event is free – donations are much appreciated.