Swiss Community
Greater London is home to about 20’000 Swiss citizens who have found a home away from home at the Swiss Church for over 250 years. Many Swiss people have spent most of their lives in London. Nowadays, young Swiss people often move here for a few years for studies, on a work placement or to gain work experience before moving on to another place.
London is an exciting place to live, but it can also be lonely and anonymous. The Swiss Church is not only a place of worship, but also a community centre for Swiss people and friends to network, make new friends and cherish Swiss traditions. Everyone is welcome, irrespective of one’s religious affiliation.
I came to London in 1957 as an au-pair and soon after met my husband. We were very busy with our shop. I joined the Swiss Church in the 1980ies when my daughter left home. I was very, very lonely and the Swiss Church became an extended big family to me.
— Lotti Terroni, church member
Here are some activities specifically aimed at the Swiss community, but of course you do not have to be Swiss to join any of these:
If you would like to be on the family emailing list contact Carla Maurer at the church.
Recent activities included:
- Playground meeting with Swiss German speaking families in Regent’s Park
- ‘Räbeliechtliumzug’ (traditional Swiss turnip Parade)
- Visit of the ‘Samichlaus’ (Father Christmas)
- Family Christmas service in the woods
- Family Easter Sunday service with Easter egg hunt
- Scavenger Hunt and picnic at Westminster Abbey
Young Professionals and Students
We organise quarterly informal get togethers for young professionals and students and their friends. Contact Carla if you wish to receive regular bulletins from us.
La Causerie
Every second Tuesday of each month there is a unique opportunity for French speaking Swiss to get together for a convivial lunch at the Swiss Church.
Our long established La Causerie has a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where new faces are warmly welcomed and we would like you to join us for talks, visits and outings as well as lunch.
Come and join us at our next monthly gathering – we would love to see you.
Contact Geneviève Higgin and Françoise Mistovski via the church office for more information.
Mothers’ Group
We meet to promote friendship between Swiss women in a Christian environment.
Every 2nd Wednesday of each month – varied visits and outings to local attractions: the details are in the Swiss Church News.
Please contact us about the meetings.
Mrs Marianne Fisher-Hertig, Mrs Margrit Rahman and Mrs Erika Tan via the Swiss Church office.

1954 wurde der Verein von einigen Schweizer Heimweh-Londonern gegründet. Sie hatten alle eine spannende und prägende Zeit in London erlebt und sich dort in irgendeiner Weise in der Swiss Church engagiert. Nach ihrer Rückkehr in die Schweiz gründeten sie den Verein VEGSIL, um die Kontakte untereinander und zur Schweizerkirche nicht ganz abbrechen zu lassen.Hauptzweck des Vereins ist neben der Kontaktpflege die ideelle und finanzielle Unterstützung der Schweizerkirche in verschiedenen Bereichen (Jugendgruppe, Müttergruppe, Pfarramt).
Heute besteht der Verein aus über hundert Mitgliedern verteilt in der ganzen Schweiz. Jährlich findet an einem Wochenende im Oktober eine Tagung statt, wo sich Vegsilianer aus unterschiedlichen „London-Generationen“ treffen. Von aktuell in der Swiss Church tätigen Leuten erfahren wir die neusten Neuigkeiten aus London, wir führen die jährliche Generalversammlung durch und feiern zusammen einen lockeren Gottesdienst. Feines Essen, Spiel und Spass runden das Weekend ab. Die Zürcher Ortsgruppe führt regelmässig Treffen und Ausflüge durch.
Mr Georges Keller, Kirchweg 7, CH-8196 Wil,
phone 0041 79 759 21 93,
Chris and Erika Dyke
Joint Presidents 2019-202o
Contact us via the church office.
Message from Joint Presidents:-
I suspect like me until recently some of you have never heard of VEGSIL. Well it’s like this. Over the years there have been two main paths for those attending the Swiss Church in London. Those who stayed and often live the rest of their lives in the UK and those who return to Switzerland. VEGSIL is for the latter. The organization has been running for many years with the aim of keeping in touch with the church and each other. In more recent times VEGSIL has turned its attention more towards supporting the church both financially and personally within Switzerland.
Over the last twenty years the Swiss community in London has become more transitory with people moving around much quicker. I suspect though that this still means there are more recent returnees in Switzerland who feel a strong bond with the church and would like to retain a link as well as offering their support to the London community. That is what we do.
Chris and Erika Dyke
Anciens Londoniens
If you would like more information on Swiss Community Groups, please call the Swiss Church London on 020 7836 1418.
There a large number of Swiss clubs and societies in the UK who hold many regular events.
Find out more from the amalgamated Swiss UK Events Calendar on the Federation Swiss Societies in the UK (FOSSUK) or visit the webpage of local London clubs: