Weekly Breakfast on the Steps -Tuesdays from 7:30am to 9:30am
Project Lead vacancy_2025_Swiss Church London
For people affected by homelessness and poverty, and everyone seeking community and sanctuary
Every Tuesday between 7:30-9:15am. Join us for cold or hot breakfast, to read the newspapers or to get to know new people. Breakfast on the Steps is coordinated and prepared by Amanda Camenisch and team, with the help of Robert Kaufeler who comes in to cook hot breakfast once a month.
As well as receiving nourishment, the Swiss Church is a place of calm and serenity that is in stark contrast to many homeless and community outreach day-centres.
If you would like to get involved, contact us on amanda.camenisch@swisschurchlondon.org.uk for more information.
We rely on volunteers to successfully organise and run our Breakfast on the Steps each week. If you would be interested in helping why not come along one Tuesday morning, and see how it all works.
The breakfast team: Andy Palfreyman, Andreas Feller and Robert Kaufeler
Supported by Camden Giving
Haircuts with Jake
Once a month, Jake Fox, stylist at Ena Hair Salon (and also responsible for the vicar’s haircut) comes in on a Tuesday morning during Breakfast on the Steps to give people affected by homelessness and poverty a free haircut.
Upcoming dates 2022:
12 April, 17 May, 14 June, 12 July, 16 August, 13 September, 18 October, 15 November, 13 December
The Swiss Church is located in an interesting part of central London. Endell Street is quiet spot in between the vast business and busyness of Covent Garden, Shaftesbury Avenue, and Holborn. We are also on the border of Camden and Westminster, two boroughs that between them account for one third of London’s street homeless. Our aim is to provide a welcoming space for everyone.
Our community programme reaches out to local people and the homeless as well as Swiss people living in London.
In August 2014 I was walking past the Swiss Church. The door was open and I was made welcome by the Matt, the community worker. I explained to him that I was homeless. Matt invited me to Breakfast on the Steps and Holy Soup. People at the Swiss Church are non-judgemental which means a lot to me. I became friends with the staff which changed my previous conception of church. The community have shown me faith and trust to follow my sense of calling. I now run ‘Breakfast on the Steps’ with others. I take pleasure in making a difference in people’s life. It gives my life a purpose.
— Andy Palfreyman, 50