  • Donate


Online portal

You can easily and safely donate to the Swiss Church by clicking here.



UK Bank Account

HSBC Bank Plc, 117 Great Portland Street, London

Account name: The Swiss Church in London

Account number: 61410512

Sort code: 40-03-15

IBAN: GB95HBUK40031561410512


Swiss Bank Account

Account Name: Swiss Church in London

Bank -Postfinance

Konto Nr.:80-37960-9

IBAN: CH88 0900 0000 8003 7960 9


Other ways to give

Sponsor an Organ Pipe

Consider leaving a legacy

Write a cheque and send it to the church office.


What do we need donations for?

The Swiss Church in London is entirely self-funded and does not receive any government funds.

There are four branches to our activities, and this is how and where donations are spent:

Church – help us to remain the spiritual home for Swiss people living in London, and offer pastoral care for the elderly and sick. Sunday Morning Service is normally on the first and third Sunday of each month.

Community – help us to working with the Swiss communities in London and to continue developing our local outreach work.

Art – help us to continue to provide a venue for music and visual art.

Building – help us maintain our wonderful Grade II listed building.